We are all human
I am not Pashton, not Tajik; not Uzbek and Hazara,
none have tendency for hatred or fighting.
If you want to be my guest, come as if you come to Afghan house. We are all Afghan.
We are all human.
It would be nothing if I devote my life for this beautiful land.
May God Almighty keep safe and secure my beloved Afghanistan.
Logar, Faryab, Kunar, Takhar — every part of my country is my soul and my body.
It is like precious gold.
You are my brother,
you are the crown of my head.
Let us go, Farah and Jawzjan together.
Let us raise our hands and pray, friends —
you, the friends of bright and beautiful mornings of mine.
Let us bring full baskets of Damascus roses.
I will sprinkle them on you,
and you sprinkle them on me.
M. B (15 years of age: written from Kabul)